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CoCo Puffs

CoCo Puffs

 Coco Puffs was only 4 months when Team Puffy Paws came to her rescue. Coco was severely underweight and upon further vet examination she was diagnosed with a number of health issues, one of them being feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Chrissy began to work tirelessly to nurse Coco Puffs back to health.

It took several months, but eventually, Coco Puffs was healthy enough to be spayed. The surgery went well, and she recovered quickly. Now a little over a year old, Coco Puffs has become a beloved member of the Puffy Paws family.

She has made many friends in the shelter, including Ms. Saffron Britches and Miss Pepper Pants. But it is BuBu, the dominant male in the leukemia room, who has taken a special liking to her. He always makes sure to be around Coco Puffs, watching over her and playing with her.  

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Mad Kitty Love